compilation with GCC
What is gcc?
GCC is a built-in compiler from the GNU project for C, C ++, Objective C, and Fortran; it is capable of receiving a source program in any of these languages and generating an executable binary program in the language of the machine where it will be executed.
The acronym GCC stands for "GNU Compiler Collection". Originally it stood for "GNU C Compiler"; GCC is still used to designate a C build. G ++ refers to a C ++ build.E XAMPLES
gcc hello.c compiles the C program hello.c, generates an executable file a.out.
gcc -o hello hello.c compile C program hello.c, generate executable hello file
gcc -c hello.c It does not generate the executable, but the object code, in the hello.o file. If you do not specify a name for the object file, use the file name in C and change the extension to .o.
AMONG OTHERS.Compilation stages.
The compilation process involves four successive stages: preprocessing, compilation, assembly, and linking. To go from a human-written source program to an executable file, these four steps must be performed in succession. The gcc and g ++ commands are capable of doing the whole process at once.
1. Pre-processed.
At this stage the directives to the preprocessor are interpreted. Among other things, variables initialized with #define are replaced in the code by their value in all places where their name appears
2. Compilation.
The compilation transforms the C code into the assembly language of the processor of our machine.
3. Assembled.
Assembly transforms the assembly language program into object code, a machine language binary file executable by the processor.
to find more about gcc in our terminal we can use the command man gcc or gcc — help.
presented by:
Juan José Arteta Maury